Q: Denise, I am so close to meeting my income goal for the year. Yeah! However, I think I need another two transactions in the hopper to close by 12/31 to really make it. What do you suggest?
A: If this were me, there are three sure-fire things I would plan on doing to make sure my goal was met (in addition to continuing to mail to my database and staying consistent with my other lead generation strategies, of course):
- Determine the shortages in the market and get the word out. What are the types of product that has been flying off the shelves? Single-story homes? Green properties? Homes on large lots? Multi-family housing? Spend some time in your MLS and find out. Then develop a campaign targeted at other similar properties to let those homeowners know that demand is high, show them that demand is high via a graph, and indicate that you would be happy to show them how the possible value of their property may have changed based on that. You never know who has been thinking about getting into the market.
- Increase your visibility. This means previewing. This means showing up at your networking events in a big way. This means getting out and participating in your community via neighborhood meetings, farmers markets, festivals, etc. It is easy to want to build a cozy cocoon when the weather starts to turn, but if you want to make that goal, get out!
- Plan a Client Appreciation Event – NOW. If you want to make your goal, then you need to back up at least 60 days for the transaction to happen which means your Client Appreciation Event should be mid- to end of October at the latest. I have a client who counts on three or more transactions from his Client Appreciation Event every year.
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