Great leaders do it, smart business people do it, successful real estate agents do it, even celebrities and athletes do it: I’m talking about getting the right people on your professional bus.
Think of a celebrity in a movie or a singer performing at a rock concert; they all have a team of people who work with them to bring out the best in them. You cannot fill stadiums of people or movie theaters without a team.
Many people in the real estate industry tend to put off looking for the right people for their bus because it does require work but that effort can pay off tremendously when you find those special people that help you make magic in your business. The most important lesson I’ve learned in business is that the best ME is really the best WE. I cannot do what I do without my team, and I wouldn’t want to.
My team allows me to focus on the things I do best and every smart business person knows that they have limits and when you embrace those limits, you can become limitless.
I think it is easy for agents to believe that it is just easier to do it on their own, but in the long run the cost of doing that is very high; we all need the support and the expertise of others. There is no shame in saying, “ I don’t have that answer because the person in my business that is the expert on that is Mary and I will get them to take care of that for you.” Every business should have a bus, it doesn’t matter what that business is, whether it is providing a service such as real-estate or legal or medical services, the successful ones have people on their bus.
For a real estate agent, that might include the right person to assist with paperwork, financial management, client care, follow up, marketing, lead generation systems, or simply as a relief person to give you time off.
And never underestimate the power of those who are temporarily on your bus. Everyone who is a part of your bus contributes in some positive way, even if it is teach you what you don’t’ need in your business. For a real estate agent that could be a lender, inspector, renovator, a 1031 Exchange expert, a lawyer, or even the person who puts together your thank you baskets; all these people are essential to your success.
I have been building my own team for well over a decade, and I can tell you wholeheartedly that I would not be where I am today without my team. A few years ago when I was in a bad car accident, and couldn’t do the things I used to do, it was my team that carried me. When my dog died it was my team that carried me through that grief. When my sister was injured and hospitalized and I needed to be with her constantly, it was my team that carried me. It is my team that carries me over the finish line to every business success we have, to every celebration we share when one of our clients has a success. I can tell you that when you have the right people on your bus, you can have a life filled with success, joy, time off, and excellence.
The company may have my name on it, but it is the WE not the ME that makes us able to do the amazing work we strive to do every day. So the next time you are tired, overwhelmed or not getting where you need to go, you might consider putting together your own WE and finding the right people for your bus. And if you need a powerful coach to help you get there, please consider me one of your WE’s for a stop or two on your bus.