Q: Denise, one of my buyers bought a home last fall and everything was fantastic. However, now that it is warming up she is having a tough time going outside in her yard due to rampant mosquitoes. I don’t want to scare future buyers off potential properties, but should I be advising them about pests and issues that might be problematic at different times of the year?
A: While I suggest you defer to your managing broker as to the manner in which he or she prefers to handle these kinds of situations, I do suggest you think about some “buyer beware” issues that may be problematic in your area on a seasonal basis. For example, in areas where it is very cold and icy in the winter, a buyer should consider how he or she will get their car to a public thoroughfare if purchasing a property on a hill. In areas where critters such as mosquitoes, spiders, snakes, and scorpions are prevalent you may want to recommend the buyers contact a pest expert, especially if a buyer expresses a concern about these up front. Those with seasonal allergies may also need to find out what kinds of trees and other plant life are nearby before making an offer.
A little extra client care up front can pave the way for raving fans (and referrals!) later down the road. If your buyer is concerned about a potential season issue, calling in an expert for their assessment of the situation is definitely a smart move.