Q: Denise, I recently closed on a transaction and I really don’t think the sellers liked me because their home sold for less than they had originally wanted. Should I take them out of my database so I don’t waste money mailing to them in the future?
A: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Even though the sellers are not happy with what the home sold for they will get over that part of the transaction once they have closed on the home and moved on. Sellers often voice their concerns with you because they trust you and many agents mistake this for the seller venting at them. It is critical to not jump to quick judgment and over react and remove what could be a wonderful long term client from your database.
Once the transaction closes work hard to keep in touch with the client and to win them over. Keep them informed about the market and keep them up to date on everything real estate. And always remember that it is not what you are doing for someone when you are getting paid that a client always remembers, but they do remember those things that are done for them when you are working on your time and your dime.