Q: Denise, what do you think is the biggest, common mistake agents make in their real estate business?
A: Wow, now that question has many answers, but for today I will focus on one of the most serious mistakes agents can make. That mistake is the inability to take responsibility for their actions or their lack of action. If your business is not where you need it to be, you have something to do with it.
Stop blaming the market, or your broker, or clients that changed their mind. If your business is not where you need it to be, then you are not doing something right.
If you find yourself always blaming others for where you are in your business, then chances are you are not taking responsibility for your own lack of action. Agents who don’t take responsibility for their actions often find themselves struggling year after year to improve their business. Take responsibility, be honest about your strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, take a good hard look in the mirror and fix what needs to be fixed. When you do this, you will be able to move forward and be the agent you always have wanted to be.