2012 October | The Zebra Blog

Archive for October, 2012

Converting Leads … Remember Your Personality Style! (Part 3)

3 people analyzing data

PART THREE: CLOSING WHEN YOU’RE AN “ANALYTICAL” Over the past two weeks I talked about closing strategies for Promoters and Controllers, and provided strategies for effectively closing clients if you were one of these two personality types. As a review of those Zebra Reports, my thoughts on closing are this: there is no such thing […]

Ask Denise: Special Report vs. MLS email

Denise Lones

Q:  In one of your Zebra Reports about handling leads you said we should offer to create special reports for a potential client. I just don’t have the time to do this for every person that contacts me. What’s wrong with sending data from the MLS via email? A:  Nothing is wrong with that. It’s […]

We’re having a contest … and we want you to participate!

First Place Zebra

Every time I hold a class someone comes up to me and says, “I was in your class two years ago and what I learned changed my business!” It’s that validation from you, the real estate agent and broker, that makes it all worthwhile. But unfortunately, I don’t get to see all of you live […]

Converting Leads … Remember Your Personality Style! (Part 2)

A Woman in Control

PART TWO: CLOSING WHEN YOU’RE A “CONTROLLER” Last week I presented an overview on personality styles, and presented the idea that the way you close should vary based on the personality of the client. Seems simple, right? The truth is many agents are taught to close the same way – by using a formula that’s […]