2012 October | The Zebra Blog

Archive for October, 2012

Have You Vaccinated Your Business?

Doctor and stethescope

As long as I’ve been in business I’ve regularly received calls and emails from agents who are struggling to reach their potential. Many of them make a good living … but want to make more, while others are barely getting by. Some are facing dire circumstances. Everyone struggles in this business for different reasons, but […]

Ask Denise: Setting Goals for 2013

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I’m going to try to set goals for 2013. I’ve never done this before, and don’t really know how to go about it. How do I start, and what is the right time to do this? A:  Congratulations! I’m a big believer in goal setting. If you’ve never set goals before, it can […]

Evolution: Is It for You?

3 Business People Celebrating

As you read this I am finishing up my first “Safari” seminar of the autumn. Safari is a two-day experience where I meet with motivated agents – agents who are tired of the business they have today, and are looking for a better “tomorrow” business. During my Safari event, we look at ways to successfully […]

Ask Denise: Changing My Brokerage

Denise Lones

Q:  This fall I’m thinking about really changing my business up so that I can start the new year in a better position. I think part of that should be changing my brokerage. What kind of things should I be looking for in a new office? A:  What a great question … but I have […]

Last Call for Contest Entries!

Zebra wins blue ribbon while others applaud

October 31st is just around the corner. Not only is it America’s favorite holiday – Halloween – the 31st is the deadline for our “Tell Me!” contest. It’s not too late to send in your entry. After all, almost a week remains! Wouldn’t you like to be the winner of $250, $500, or $1,500 in […]

Converting Leads … Remember Your Personality Style! (Part 4)

A group pile of hands

PART FOUR: CLOSING WHEN YOU’RE A “SUPPORTER” This is my final Zebra Report in my series on closing strategies based on your personality style – and that of the clients you are trying to close. If you missed the previous three weeks, be sure to review the Zebra Reports on closing strategies for Promoters, Controllers, […]

Ask Denise: Prequalifying Sellers

Denise Lones

Q: Denise, when you talked about “qualifying” sellers who call you up for a listing appointment did you really mean that we should ask questions other than very, very basic ones before going to the home? A: Yes I did – and thank you for asking me to clarify! I believe as agents we are […]

We’re having a contest … and we want you to participate!

Zebra wins blue ribbon while others applaud

WHO: Anyone who has ever been to one of our classes, purchased one of our products, or has coached with us, can participate. WHAT: Tell us how something you’ve learned from me has positively impacted your business … or your life! It can be something as simple as tracking “potential income” or sticking to your […]

Ask Denise: Interrupted Listing Presentations

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am getting derailed by sellers at my listing presentation who keep interrupting me and are ruining the flow of my presentation. Short of being rude and asking them to stop, I don’t know how to handle this. Help! A:  Part of a great listing presentation is setting expectations with your sellers. One […]

Get in It to Win It!

First Place Zebra

Have you been thinking about my “Tell Me!” contest, the one I unveiled in last week’s Zebra Report? This is your chance to share something important you’ve incorporated in your business based on a Lones Group class, product, or coaching program. But you can’t win if you don’t enter! If you haven’t started working on […]

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