Q: I’ve been at this for more than ten years now, and I’m not enjoying it anymore. It’s simply become too difficult, between short sale sellers, and fearful buyers. How do I know when it’s time to leave the business?
A: Everyone gets discouraged now and then. It’s time to leave when you truly no longer love the business, and/or don’t have any hope of feeling that way again. If you truly don’t like the business of real estate, you owe it to yourself to explore other career options. This is a tough way to make a living, so you need to embrace it with enthusiasm. Life’s far too short to not enjoy the work you’re doing. However, your lack of enthusiasm for the business might be because you are lacking some elements that would make the business easier for you. For example, most agents who talk about leaving are unhappy because, bottom line, they aren’t making money. And they’re not making money because they don’t have a lead generation system. I think the bigger question here is: should you leave the business … or is it time to get serious about the business? That may mean hiring a coach to help you get there, or it could mean being truly honest with yourself about what needs to get done in your business for it to become profitable.