New Client Design: LaVerne Pike | The Zebra Blog

New Client Design: LaVerne Pike

A seasoned agent with many years of success under his belt, LaVerne Pike wanted to reestablish his image as a service-oriented professional.

His new tagline, “It’s your move”, clearly articulates that LaVerne is client-focused.

Because he was drawn to images with a curved element – coupled with strong structure – the idea of a chessboard seemed logical, and was a great fit with his tagline.

We took a step away from the classic black-and-ivory colors of a chessboard with our use of a strong blue in concert with a buttery yellow.  These colors provide a strong but soft feel to LaVerne’s brand, and help cement him as a trustworthy, confident, and knowledgeable professional.

Whether you want to develop a completely custom brand, or select from one of the amazing designs in our “Instant Image” portfolio, we are here to help.

Interested in learning more about developing your custom branded image? We can help with that too! Please send an email to or call us at 360-527-8904 to learn more.

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