This Safari will kick your 2011 off right and is chock-full of amazing customizable material! And the best part? It is all about YOU! Your business, your habits and way of doing business, your custom solutions – there is no “one-size-fits-all” system at Safari:
- Review your personal journey.You are at a crossroads and we need to take a look inside your rucksack—your belief system, conflict style, confidence, work style, personal pace, and habits.
- Time to repack! A review of the “10 Essentials” and what you need to bring with you.
- Where do you want to go? Building a successful business roadmap that runs parallel to your personal roadmap.
- Elephant, jeep, on-foot, swinging on a vine – how do you like to travel? An in-depth investigation of the four personality types, how they affect your business, and how to adjust your natural style to communicate effectively with anyone.
- Your Challenges; Your Solutions– an open forum where you can tell us what the ‘roaring lions’ are for you, and where we teach you how stand your ground.
- You’re out of the jungle and into the light! Planning for an amazing 2011 – creating custom lead generation, follow up, client care, and presentation plans for your personality type (capitalize on your strengths and avoid the quicksand!).
February 16th and 17th in Redmond, Washington.
Learn more about this exciting two-day event!